Saturday, June 6, 2009

So this was day one...

So today was the day I started taking the little winged mini-vans over to Hyannis and back for my 30 radiation treatments. My pilot today was Albert Meserve, and his wife Edna sat up front in the little cockpit with him. We took off at 1:00. It was (and is still) a beautiful day, a little windy, with a crystal-clear sky and just a few puffy clouds. The sight of the Vineyard humbled me a bit, seeing the whole thing all at once; the ponds, the state forest, the farms, the harbors, the lighthouses, even Goodale's pit. It all reminded me, and I need reminding, of why I love this place, my home.

Albert and Edna were really cute, and reminded me of a couple my parents would have had as friends, Albert in his Nantucket shorts and polo shirt, and Edna, who looked alot like Mary Foran. (A true friend to Mom) I caught them more than once smiling at each other, he'd lean over to bump her with his shoulder. A couple of times on the way over, Albert knocked me on the leg to get my attention so he could show me Wood's Hole, then Falmouth harbor.

After a rough landing, (during which I made a mental note to myself to call Dr. Nieder to get some Valium) I met Perry, a big, round, jolly guy who works at the airport at Griffin Avionics. We chatted for awhile about the high cancer stats on both of the islands while I waited for the shuttle to the hospital. Albert and Edna walked across the street for lunch at Not Your Average Joe's.

Diane drove the shuttle and we made some small talk during the short ride to the Cancer Center at Cape Cod Hospital. When I arrived, I had 5 minutes to read a trashy magazine article about Jennifer Aniston's rhinoplasty, then was lead to a dressing room to strip down, "waist-up" and put on a hospital jonny. I was told I was not getting any radiation today, just having pictures taken. This took all of 15 minutes, and I was dressed and out. While I waited for the shuttle I listened to a voicemail from Jonathan, wishing me well today. (I know this is not easy for him, leaving a mushy nice voicemail, which makes it all the more special to me) Diane picked me up and during the ride back, I learned she also has a 13 year old daughter who weighs 180 pounds. Whoa. Gaia times two.

I had to wait at Griffin for about 30 minutes, praying Albert wasn't having a 2nd beer. I got a bag of pretzels out of the machine there and picked up a People magazine to read an article written by a guy with an autistic son. It was interesting and I again thanked God that Gracie is so smart, and so loving and so funny. Way more interactive than the kid in the article.

When the Meserves strolled in I also got to see Will Lewis arriving with his pilot. ('Will is Lindsay's dad) Today was his final treatment. It was a relief to see him, smiling and looking healthy even after so many treatments. He's quite a guy.

The flight back seemed to be more over water than land, with the Meserves sneaking glances at each other, and laughing at their private jokes, while I gripped my seat and sweated bullets in the back. I was back on land at 3:45.

yup that was day one...not the best writing, I promise it gets better.

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